Maryanne K.

I had been to nutritionists before, but they all made me feel judged, like there was really something wrong with me for continuing to make the wrong choices. They would all give me basically the same food plan, and I felt like I was supposed to report in like they were my mother, or like I was going to get a grade. Susan helped me to create my own food plan, taking into consideration what I was really ready to do. She helped me to think through all the circumstances that would come up to sabotage me (including just being me) and how I could try to handle them. Then, instead of judging me if I didn’t do something ‘right’, she helped me to try to find out what I could do that would make it easier for myself the next time. I never thought to try to find out why something did or didn’t work for me. I would just beat myself up for being a failure. So far, we’ve come up with some pretty bizarre strategies, but they work for me