Morning Musings

I love my quiet time in the morning.

Seems I wake up, more often than not with the FID’s.  That’s:  Fear Of Impending Doom.  I don’t know why I seem to “come to” most days in this state, but, thank God (or Good Orderly Direction, or Source, or Universal Intelligence, or whatever you want to call it), I do know what to do about it. Continue reading “Morning Musings” »

November 25

Party Pooper?….not!  One of my clients makes these tiny spinach pancakes with feta in them.  They are sort of like those spanakopita hors d’oeuvres without the phyllo.  Guests love them and she goes out of her way to make lots […]

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November 24

Staggering holiday treats allows everyone to enjoy the traditional favorites – just not every thing every day.  A client of mine does that with her family.  She makes charoset one evening, and Matzoh ball soup another night, etc.  One by […]

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November 23

Some of my clients who love to cook have learned to maintain their food gift traditions by making safe, non-tempting things like chutney or flavored vinegars in special bottles.  Pier One has great decorative bottles for just such things. Case […]

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November 22

Disappointingly, no one has ever asked me what happened to the fabulous Christmas cookies I used to make for everyone.  I thought I had created this time honored tradition with my terrific genuine Scottish shortbread recipe.  Apparently not.  Fortunately, because […]

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November 21

There are plenty of things I can do to get the holiday spirit beside cook and eat.  When I was growing up, perhaps because we belonged to an active church community, we did all kinds of Christmas things that didn’t […]

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November 20

Practice HALT– Hungry, angry, lonely, tired.   My friend’s daughter recently told her that she had actually hated the holidays growing up as her single Mom turned herself into a pretzel trying to create for her the perfect Christmas.  There is certainly […]

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