Morning Musings

I love my quiet time in the morning.

Seems I wake up, more often than not with the FID’s.  That’s:  Fear Of Impending Doom.  I don’t know why I seem to “come to” most days in this state, but, thank God (or Good Orderly Direction, or Source, or Universal Intelligence, or whatever you want to call it), I do know what to do about it. Continue reading “Morning Musings” »

December 1

I am sure I cannot be the only person who is influenced by what other people eat…like if you are thin and eat it, then I should be able to too – with impunity of course.  Or if you eat […]

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November 30

Don’t blow off exercise time (calories out) because you are too busy cooking or eating (calories in).  I once had a client who was far too busy to exercise because she had made so many commitments to her church.  What […]

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November 29

I know it seems self evident, but why not make extra of what would really be helpful to have leftover, and not the things that will call you from the fridge?  You can always freeze the tempting items in individual […]

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November 28

Family traditions are whatever you decide to make them and practice them to be.  If you are a new family, it is especially important to create traditions that you will be happy to have in your repertoire of traditions down […]

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November 27

It always makes sense to bring what you really need for yourself – as a contribution…and selfless gesture of course.  I used to be a huge volume eater, and the biggest problem I had at your party was that there […]

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November 26

On the other hand, you can always use the opportunity to bring things that you really love to have, but cannot keep in your own house.  I used to get this fabulous Key Lime chiffon pie from the Wyckoff bakery.  […]

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