Morning Musings

I love my quiet time in the morning.

Seems I wake up, more often than not with the FID’s.  That’s:  Fear Of Impending Doom.  I don’t know why I seem to “come to” most days in this state, but, thank God (or Good Orderly Direction, or Source, or Universal Intelligence, or whatever you want to call it), I do know what to do about it. Continue reading “Morning Musings” »

December 7

What are they thinking?…who wants to be a killjoy?  I am sure I am not the only one who has imbibed when it was absolutely not a good idea for me just because I think that you will think I […]

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December 6

What are they thinking?…sometimes I seem to care more about whether you are happy with me than whether I am happy with me.  I have a sister who just doesn’t feel compelled to explain her food choices.  It is so […]

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December 5

No one said I have to skip all the junk, anyway.  Again, denying myself everything as if that is what is required to go through the holidays without weight gain is a common excuse I have used to give myself […]

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December 4

My history with the holidays makes every trigger (people, emotions, circumstances) predictable.  More important than the obvious food triggers are the people and the history I have created with them.  I have actual brain pathways with every Pecan Sandie that […]

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December 3

Is there someone whose support you need to enlist, someone with whom your success is tied up?  Typically at the very least, it is helpful to have those you live with in on it with you so that the environment […]

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December 2

If you think about it, you can probably predict who influences you to eat well and who you derail with.  I know I can.  I have a long history with some people.  I have people I influence – I know […]

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