Morning Musings

I love my quiet time in the morning.

Seems I wake up, more often than not with the FID’s.  That’s:  Fear Of Impending Doom.  I don’t know why I seem to “come to” most days in this state, but, thank God (or Good Orderly Direction, or Source, or Universal Intelligence, or whatever you want to call it), I do know what to do about it. Continue reading “Morning Musings” »

September 7

A calorie is not just a calorie when…I hear myself making the most ridiculous justifications about the food.  I can have whatever I want; it is my budget.  But something is up if I have to justify it to myself.  […]

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September 6

A calorie is not just a calorie to me when…I find myself sneaking this particular food and hiding the evidence.  This is particularly true when I find myself hiding the evidence from myself!  I do this with Hershey Kisses wrappers.  […]

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September 5

A calorie is not a calorie to me when…this food tells my brain to tell me to eat more.  Eating foods that quickly turn to sugar (whether obviously sugar choices like cookies, or the more subtle choices like pasta, cereal […]

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September 4

A calorie is not just a calorie to me when…I have actually physically hardwired the neural pathways in my brain to associate that food with relief.  I am literally releasing chemicals upon eating that food that temporarily soothe me.  Problem […]

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September 3

A calorie is not just a calorie to me when…I eat out of tiredness, anger, frustration, stress, boredom, sadness, loneliness (you fill in the adjective).  To begin with, I justify foods that soothe me – which, by the way is […]

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September 2

A calorie is not just a calorie to me when…I broke my rules or it feels illegal to me.  “I blew it now” is the taking my finger out of the dyke statement.  Pizza will do that.  Oh, I can […]

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