Morning Musings: May 11

It seems to me that once I accept that I am going to have to do (forever) some things that are hard for me, like exercise regularly or not eat all the donuts I want in general, then the only […]

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Morning Musings: May 10

If I chose to, I can teach myself to argue rationally back.  If I listen to my self talk, then I can see how I promise, excuse and rationalize myself right out of the things I need to do.  Although […]

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Morning Musings: May 9

When I have caved in to “no” lots of times, it’s like I have built a virtual mountain of the word “no” that I now have to climb over.   Every time I say no I fling one more “no” onto […]

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Morning Musings: May 8

It helps if I am honest with myself about why something is difficult for me.  If I can acknowledge to myself that the real issue with exercise for example is mostly  that I just don’t want to do it (not […]

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Morning Musings: May 7

It still so astounds me that I am able to live my life doing many of the things that I thought were utterly impossible for me.  Silly as it may sound, I am often choked up at the end of […]

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