Morning Musings: May 27
Exercising on the morning of a really long workday is how I have the energy to get through the long workday. This is especially true if I can’t get enough sleep the night before one of those 15-hour days (you […]
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Exercising on the morning of a really long workday is how I have the energy to get through the long workday. This is especially true if I can’t get enough sleep the night before one of those 15-hour days (you […]
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A friend of mine said that he finally stated attending AA meetings regularly (and is now celebrating 13 years of hard won sobriety) when a well-intentioned friend suggested to him that he schedule his life around his meetings rather than […]
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I usually don’t schedule my exercise into a time that I absolutely know I will want to be relaxing – like at the end of my often long days. When I get home, I know I like to be done […]
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When I am particularly busy it helps me to get myself to exaercise if I can multitask It. Some of my clients walk to do errands. I often listen to work related conference calls that I download onto my ipod, […]
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Often, the thing I put my exercise off for (and of course I never get the exercise in at all that day once I “delay” it) are things that I usually could do some other time. They are things I […]
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