Morning Musings: June 6
Your body becomes what you ask it to do. If you act like a fat and sugar storer (i.e. couch potato), your body will become just that. If you want it to be a fat and sugar burner, you can […]
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Your body becomes what you ask it to do. If you act like a fat and sugar storer (i.e. couch potato), your body will become just that. If you want it to be a fat and sugar burner, you can […]
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Exercise actually teaches your body to be ho-hum about the stress chemicals. Since the chemicals released when you exercise are the same ones that you release when you are stressed (same fight or flight response whether you are emotionally stressed […]
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Not exercising because I am too stressed is factually illogical. Exercise uses stress chemicals. So, saying that I am too stressed to exercise makes no scientific sense at all. The very best thing I could do to alleviate that feeling […]
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Three days of no exercise is the kiss of death for me. Short of surgery, there has virtually been no other time that I couldn’t figure out some way to do something for three whole days. I don’t know why […]
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I can always glom onto someone else’s momentum if I need to – temporarily at least. I can get myself started that way and start to generate my own head of steam. Sometimes (more often than not in my personal […]
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