Morning Musings: June 26

I have noticed that my weight directly reflects the people, places and foods with which I surround myself.  If you take a look at what is in your kitchen cabinets (the proportion of ready alternatives that are healthy versus ready […]

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Morning Musings: June 25

If there has ever been a demonstration of the statement, “If I don’t have a plan for the environment, the environment has a plan for me” it is America 2013.  Our high fructose consumption went from .5 lbs. per person […]

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Morning Musings: June 24

Since so far I am not having a lot of luck conjuring up willpower when I need it, it just makes sense to focus on at least one thing that I can do something about – my environment.  I think […]

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Morning Musings: June 23

And even if I do feel a bit of embarrassment, and sometimes even shame, over my lack of self-restraint, it is not only imprudent but downright self-sabotaging for me not to take this into consideration in virtually every circumstance that […]

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Morning Musings: June 22

I guess I shouldn’t feel like such a failure about caving.  After all, we evolved to respond to the environmental stimulus of sight and smell, and some times even sound.  Ever hear what sounds like someone unwrapping a candy bar […]

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