Morning Musings: July 11

Another place where this programming really applies:  Airports and Vacation Mentality.  Anybody besides me start their vacation eating in the car or in the airport, so that by the time you even get there you are already thoroughly derailed?  Somehow […]

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Morning Musings: July 10

The food industry is onto our addiction and is capitalizing on it.  The real hook, apparently, is the perfect combination of sugar fat and salt – the exact amount that will over-ride your ability to say no, literally breaking your […]

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Morning Musings: July 9

The food industry knows that we are easy targets.  Read Kessler’s book The End Of Overeating.  Want to know the simplist but most effective tool they use in the myriad of ways they help us to eat more?  They simply […]

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Morning Musings: July 8

So, when I am visiting a restaurant for the first time, I try to ask myself, “Do I need yet another place in my repertoire where I have made it really hard to eat well?  I don’t know about you, […]

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Morning Musings: July 7

When I go someplace new or try a new restaurant for the first time, I am aware that I am programming a future history of associations with that place.  I don’t even have to be trying, but it is going […]

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