Morning Musings: July 26

A kitchen inventory can be surprisingly revealing.   Just tally all the helpful, healthful ready-to-eat options against all the ones that could be problematic (even the things that are only a problem when you are already on a roll strip-mining your […]

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Morning Musings: July 25

My trash reflects where I am on the healthy eating continuum.  Does it smell?  If it stinks to high heaven (as my Mom would say), that reflects a lot of produce.  Or is it just a lot of wrappings and […]

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Morning Musings: July 24

Most of the junk I have not eaten is by circumstance, not virtue.  The environment in my home has been deliberately set up to support the food plan I theoretically intend to follow.  I had to do this to save […]

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Morning Musings: July 23

I notice that I often blame my mood when the environment is playing a big role.  Even with the mood thing going on, I would have stood a better chance if the environment had been controlled.  Many people say that […]

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Morning Musings: July 22

One of my most well worn rationalizations lines is:  “I am fine as long as I don’t open it”.  True, but am I planning on never opening it?  Did I buy it for it to rot on the shelf?  My […]

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