Morning Musings: August 1

Summer months seem to provide all kinds of eating opportunities with probably less structure than any of the other months…no matter your life situation, parent, employee, single, married, kids, no kids, working, not working.  That makes August a perfect month […]

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Morning Musings: July 30

It probably hardest on the kids.   David Kessler, former Surgeon General and author of The End of Overeating says that if we don’t manage the way our kids consume sugar, fat and salt combos when they are very small, their […]

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Morning Musings: July 29

Successful weight management is not only the absense of the wrong habits, it is the presence of the right ones.  Clients will often proclaim to me proudly that they are really in a good spot now – they cleaned out […]

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Morning Musings: July 28

What I am doing to manage my environment is a direct indicator of how committed I am.  My control of the environment directly reflects my intention.  It is as much about harnessing and directing my intention as it is about […]

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Morning Musings: July 27

Peapod is priceless.  How badly do I want my spouse or kids not to influence what I buy from the grocery store? One really effective way is to avoid problems long before they predictably happen; actions that catch me way […]

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