February 7
Roadblock: I can stay committed to eating well if….someone else makes me. Accountability to someone else never holds up long term. Potential clients frequently tell me that they want to come to see me because they need someone to report to, or because they want someone else to tell them exactly what to eat, to make a strick menu for them. The thinking goes, if someone else tells me to do it, I will do it. (Of course, if that worked, why didn’t I all stay on the innumerable other plans that I have all already been on?) It just generates avoidance behavior when I don’t follow the assigned authority’s plan. It is hard enough to deal with my own disappointment in myself, never mind that which will potentially project onto someone else.
Safe detour: Momentum is, was and always will be coming from inside me. My history contains all I will ever need to know about how I either support or sabotage myself. I can examine it (with objective, compassionate help perhaps) and find out exactly how I have been unknowingly chipping away at my own mojo until suddenly (or so it seems) it is not there when I need it most. Maintaining accountability to myself and keeping my hard won momentum harnessed are learnable skills.