September 6
A calorie is not just a calorie to me when…I find myself sneaking this particular food and hiding the evidence. This is particularly true when I find myself hiding the evidence from myself! I do this with Hershey Kisses wrappers. I keep making them into one big wad of aluminum so I can’t tell how many I really had.
Case in point: I had a client once who decided to keep all the wrappings from fast food and junk for one week. She was truly shocked and appalled at the grocery bag of wrappers she had accumulated in one week. She truly had no idea she ate so much junk. There was this famous study done some time ago called “The Garbage Study”. They asked a random group of people to report what they ate for a week and then looked in their garbage. The average family misrepresented their calories and junk food consumption by 30%. And that was a random group, not just people with eating issues.