November 20
Practice HALT– Hungry, angry, lonely, tired. My friend’s daughter recently told her that she had actually hated the holidays growing up as her single Mom turned herself into a pretzel trying to create for her the perfect Christmas. There is certainly a message in this for me, although I don’t have kids to hold up a mirror for me. I have frequently worked myself into an absolute frenzy with all of the things I have put on my own plate and the time frames I have created for accomplishing them – my personal “have to’s”. In fact, I think I even take a bit of sick pride in living at a certain stress threshold (the old human doing not a human being thing), convoluted though I am sure that is. One of my friends has this great quote that I actually put on my refrigerator. It goes like this, “You, Angel Baby, are groovin’ to the busy drug.” Of course, I am often too busy to notice it. I need to remind myself regularly that I am single and self-employed. I made the list. I can take things off of it.