November 29
I know it seems self evident, but why not make extra of what would really be helpful to have leftover, and not the things that will call you from the fridge? You can always freeze the tempting items in individual portions or even label them for whom you are (perhaps only theoretically) saving them. Figure out what you actually had too much leftover of last year and adjust accordingly. Every retail business does this every season. You are the manager of this business that is your weight. Be a smart merchandizer.
Taking leftovers and making plates of complete meals and freezing them works really well too. We arrived at that idea when we wanted to send my grandmother and great aunt home with easily reheated leftovers that would last for awhile. It solved the problem of entire bowls of leftover stuffing and the like that are easy to pick at if left in the fridge. Stuffing breaks off in perfect bite sized clumps. And, once frozen, it alleviated the pressure to “use up” what is going to go bad.