December 9
What are they thinking?…Using social pressure to your advantage. I have done a lot of my worst over eating when I was alone. I didn’t really want to be a lunatic in front of others, and (in theory) the company should be fulfilling enough – supposedly the point of the dinner date anyway, of course. But how many times have I conducted myself reasonably in front of others only to strip mine my kitchen when I got home, like taking my finger out of a dyke. I would have passed up something really good and ended up eating stale lite bread with sugar free jelly or something equally disgusting. If I indulge when I am in public, I will likely keep a grip. It has the benefit of coming in a more reasonable portion, and if I play my cards right, I can get one or two others to split a couple of different things.
Since I can have a reasonable amount of something in front of you, social pressure also works for buffets – I can be the last one up so it is obvious if I go up for seconds because everyone else is done and no one is in line anymore. I had mostly (cleverly, I thought) done just the opposite – been the first one up and then no one realizes that I am in line for the second or third time because they are on their first pass.