October 17

Oct 17, 2024

Since promises are always about the future, a good way to tell if I am bull****ing myself is to ask myself if there is any real reason why I have to plan this for the future, why I can’t do it now.  Like, “I’ll exercise when I get my new treadmill.”  Is there any reason why I couldn’t walk outside now?  If there isn’t, then this is just about me caving in to the “I don’t want to” thing again, and I am unlikely to be any more likely to follow through tomorrow than I am today.  Spending money never cements a commitment for long either.  (New wardrobes that will ensure that I keep the weight off, you know the drill.)  Promises about the future merely stand in the way of me acknowledging what the real problem even is.

The real problem for me is often that I just really don’t want to or am not convinced that I really have to to achieve my goals, not that this is not the right time.  I’d be better invested in working on getting myself to fix the real problem.  That means finding ways to increase my willingness, my motivation, or re-convincing myself to do whatever it is.

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