July 30
It probably hardest on the kids. David Kessler, former Surgeon General and author of The End of Overeating says that if we don’t manage the way our kids consume sugar, fat and salt combos when they are very small, their hunger mechanisms will be broken for life by the age of 5. And why would you expect them to be able to manage difficult home environments? We adults know that it is crap and what eating too much of it will do to our health in the long run, and we don’t control our own eating all that well. Kids don’t even have this information. The best help and direction they are ever going to get is likely to be from us and the safest environment the are ever going to be in can be their home.
Kids get more junk stimulus in any given day than we do, between school environments, grandparents, advertizing, etc. It has really become noticeable to me how many of the high school kids I see as clients go out to eat with their friends all the time – school lunch times, weekends, nights, etc. The Starbucks in Oakland is all but overrun with grammar school kids every day after school and even at their lunch breaks. They are ordering the caloric equivalent of milk shakes as a beverage, just a little something to quench their thirst, a little snack. My old office was above a Chinese restaurant. I would regularly see 12 year old boys sitting on the curb after school snacking on a quart of LoMein – about a 1600 calorie afternoon snack (about 48 lbs. worth of calories in a year if done even 3 days a week). Kids have a lot more food challenges to deal with than when we were their age. There was no food a little league field, or even at an ice skating rink then. Interestingly enough by the way, studies show that when you publish the calories, those startling facts influence even high school kids and college kids.
Top bar hives weren’t designed with deliovpeng countries in mind. White people were doing top bar hive beekeeping in Europe thousands of years before anyone ever thought to try to teach deliovpeng Africans anything.