July 28
What I am doing to manage my environment is a direct indicator of how committed I am. My control of the environment directly reflects my intention. It is as much about harnessing and directing my intention as it is about the convenience. Am I committed to making this easier on myself?
I often think of the Harry Potter series and the Marauder map with the footprints of where various people have been and are headed. If you could see me and where I have been, what would it tell you about how much I expose myself to food temptations? I remember one party in particular where I actually pulled a chair right up to the h’ors d’ouevres table.
Think of the places you go that have to do with food, the aisles you frequent in the grocery store (are you in the cookie, chip or ice cream aisles regularly?), the places you stop when on the road (do they have a food mart? Do you go in?), the restaurants you frequent (mostly protein and veggie places or mostly starch and fat places?), the types of commitments you take on at your church or temple (do you volunteer for the breakfasts and dinners or for the flowers and choir?), where you hang out at a BBQ (are you taking pictures and swimming, or cooking and hanging in the kitchen?). Here is what I have noticed about myself: if I don’t pay attention, everything I do will have to do with the food. I can be excessively involved with food – bringing it, handling it, standing near it. Any surprise it is a struggle?