June 25
If there has ever been a demonstration of the statement, “If I don’t have a plan for the environment, the environment has a plan for me” it is America 2013. Our high fructose consumption went from .5 lbs. per person per year in 1950 to 82 lbs. per pound per person now – and that was sixteen years ago. I know that I personally would have had a problem with food no matter where I had been born, but that just can’t be true for over 60% of our population who weren’t overweight at all till now, and probably wouldn’t be if they lived anywhere else. The average 5’4” American woman currently weighs 165. Ideal weight would be 120 lbs. That looks really thin in today’s culture. Did you know that there is a direct association with how much TV kids watch and how sweet they like their food – independent of whether they were sweet lovers or not? Scary.