February 10
Roadblock: I can stay committed to eating well plan if…I just don’t have to eat vegetables. Can you eat little enough volume of all the other foods to make this work? But, people are literally sewing their stomachs closed to accomplish the same thing – deliberately leaving very little room for the foods that get us in trouble. Problem with that is that it is easiest to eat the foods that leave your stomach quickly after that surgery, so most find that the very foods they needed the surgery because of are the ones they are still gravitating towards – now not only because they like them best, but also because they are now the easiest to digest. Bit of a Catch 22, don’t you think? I have a current client who opted to have her gastric bypass surgery revised when she encountered some medical problems with it. She has not really been able to eat since September. Her message to all fellow strugglers, in her own words is, “Just eat the damn vegetables. It’s easier!”
Safe detour: Interestingly enough, there is a process called “imprinting” which tends to increase your genuine tastes for the foods you eat when you are hungriest. It could make it infinitely easier to be the weight you want to be while still eating a decent quantity, by simply starting a meal with a salad or vegetable soup, and filling up first with a lot of bulk from the cheapest items in your food arsenal.
Version Two Roadblock: I can stay committed to eating well if….I just don’t have to eat leftovers. As long as I don’t mind having to produce fresh foods for each meal, that’s cool. There is this great place by my sister in Madison, CT that has really fabulous pre-made, frozen Italian meals. It is always mobbed and closes around 7:30 pm since everyone would have purchased their dinner entrees to take home and reheat. I always chuckle when I think of all the delicious, expensive foods purchased there. Aren’t they all technically…leftovers?