The Selfie Method

My favorite cartoon ever was one where Ziggy is looking at himself in a mirror saying, “Well, what’s it going to be today? Are you with me or against me?” There, in a nutshell, was my history with weight management.
Eventually I figured out that there nothing magical about any of my many successful, albeit temporary, weight loss regimes. They all worked whileI did them. Problem was, at some point I unknowingly loosed my grip on some critical elements (likely one seemingly insignificant piece at a time) until I was totally unraveled, demoralized and baffled…yet again. Like me, maybe that last great diet program that was going to “fix you” for good…didn’t.
Do you realize that your own actions were always what was generating that priceless motivation, and that any success you have ever had with weight loss was a result of the actions you took? The program wasn’t working, you were. Identify those action steps unique to your personality and lifestyle and you can harness that side of yourself that is “on it”, that seemingly elusive “when my head is in the right place” thing.
When something is pleasurable or survival related, the brain saves processing power by creating these sort of desktop shortcuts connecting the two end points – like connecting stress relief with cookies or a particular restaurant with great bread. Happily, we are the programmer, and recent science indicates that we can rewrite that program anytime. Repetition will cement it and eventually make it your new default.
You are and always have been the fix. If you can just stop running to the next new thing as if the secret to your success is outside of you, and instead turn and look at the trail of breadcrumbs (figuratively and perhaps literally, LOL) behind you, you can find the keys to your unique salvation strategies waiting there for you to decode. The day you begin to make use of that invaluable information is the very last day it will have to cost you pounds, your health or even self-respect to be ready to learn how to stay your course to permanent weight loss.
Want recapture that motivated self and then learn to hold onto your hard earned success with a death grip this time? You can, because every tiny motivational piece of your puzzle is right there in your history for the reclaiming.
Your last weight loss success didn’t just happen and it wasn’t a gift someone else gave you. It was a gift you gave yourself, one small action step at a time.
What were some of the actions you took that motivated your past successes?