What I Really Needed to Know

I am a graduate of every diet on planet earth (both sensible and ridiculous), could recite the principles of good nutrition and exercise chapter and verse. I’d start out bulletproof, basking in the after glow of weight loss success, until bafflingly, would again find myself derailed and frustrated, just waiting to cycle around to being ready again. What happened? I remember when that cost me forty pounds in a single semester.
In all fairness, those programs taught me everything that I had paid to learn…but nothing of what I really needed to know. What to eat was the easy part. How to get myself to do it? Ahhh, now there’s the rub.
Life experience, analyzed for clues, continues to reveal the keys to my own sustainable success, so far including but not limited to:
That shouda is self-recriminating, but coulda is self-empowering.
That if I bring something into my house, I am apparently planning to eat it.
That three days of out of control eating in a row all but tosses my hard won momentum out the window, but that a couple of really on track days wins it back.
That emotional eating can be guiltlessly survived by stocking the environment in advance so that I can stress eat with impunity, or by budgeting for a portion controlled treat for the very end of the day/week/trip so the opportunity to do damage is limited and the bill pre-paid.
That eating buddies (whom I had diligently moulded into eating buddies and then decried as saboteurs), could be preempted with a little forewarning and discriminating restaurant selection.
That there is a beginning of the chain where I stand a chance of helping myself. That if I will heed my early warning system and act from that supportive self soon enough, I can and will actually act as my best friend rather than my own worst enemy.
That I am the common denominator in all my experiences.
Do you know what you really need to know about yourself?