Honey, We’re Saving Our Kids

With every meal and snack we feed our kids, we are programming not only their eating habits (and therefore their future health), but also the habits of our future grandchildren. Awesome opportunity, right? Based on current health statistics, for this generation of children to live lives as long or longer than ours, we need to start improving what they are eating – right now.
What single strategy creates the greatest change in what goes in our mouths? Obvious perhaps, but surprisingly overlooked – creating an environment that supports it! We all eat what’s around us, regardless of what we “theoretically intended”. How empowering! The very thing that makes the biggest difference is ultimately under our control.
By creating a supportive environment, whether at home or by the restaurants we choose, we are making a statement about, as well as cementing in, our intentions to eat well. Look around you. Are your environments reflecting your good intentions?
For creative tips and suggestions on how to establish environments that support your good intentions for your kids – in your home, in restaurants and through your family traditions – Click on: Honey, We’re Saving Our Kids!
Begin your final weight loss journey now…