Americans Eat…

Breakfast again….According to a study from Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, overweight women who eat egg breakfasts lost twice as much weight as women who start their days with bagels. Researchers say the protein in eggs increases satiety and decreases hunger, helping women eat fewer calories throughout the day. “Eggs are a perfect protein source because they have all eight essential amino acids”, Grotto says. “And recent research debunks the idea that they have adverse effects on the heart.”
Junk Food Junkies?…One in Five Americans live on a diet of ten foods or fewer. Among the most common choices? French fries, fried chicken, chocolate chip cookies and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (Gourmet Magazine).
More is better? PORTION EXPLOSION*
- Portion size for meats, starches, and dessert items has QUADRUPLED in the past 20 years!
- The USDA serving size for a cookie is half an ounce (although who actually gets to makes this decision has always been a mystery to me). Nonetheless, the average cookie sold in restaurants is 700% larger today!
- Twenty years ago, the average cup of coffee was 8 ounces and 95 calories from milk and sugar. Today, it’s 16 ounces and 350 calories, with a Starbuck’s Grande Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino coming in at a whopping 580 calories (Planning to walk to Starbuck’s? You’d need to cover 6 miles to cover the drink).
- In 1957, the average fast-food hamburger was 1 ounce and 210 calories. Today, from the average bagel store it is 800 calories.
- In 1957, a medium popcorn at the movies was 3 cups, and now it’s 16 cups and approximately 1200 calories – without whatever that orange stuff they call “butter” is that runs you and additional 500 per 1/4 cup just like any oil.
- In 1986, two slices of pepperoni pizza were 500 calories; today, they’re more like 1000. Planning on a a 10 mile walk today or 2 hours on the stepper to undo that? And, how many kids do you know that can pack away two to three slices? That’s the equivalent of 2-3 double cheeseburgers plus a few fries!
- The average serving of pasta has increased five-fold from the recommended 1-cup serving size. In fact restaurant servings have increased as much as 500%.
…and how have we fared in this environment?**
For Men: Waist circumference of 44 inches or greater = risk equivalent to advanced prostate cancer
For Women: Waist circumference of 41 inches or greater = risk equivalent to advanced breast cancer.
*Portion Size Factoids courtesy of Pamela Peake. See her many excellent weight and fitness books.
**Medical Factoids courtesy of Dr. Mehmet Oz. See his many wonderful medical but layperson-friendly lifestyle health books.
Eat Right, Spend Less – Americans who eat six to 10 daily servings of fruits and vegetables spend about $2000 less on health-care expenses annually than those who eat less of these foods…and if everyone ate six to 10 servings daily, cases of heart disease could drop by about 30% (Bottom Line Health, June 2007).